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Organisation commettee

Organisation committee

Prof. Dr. rer. medic. Josef Wiemeyer

Curriculum Vitae

After studying Physical Education and Ancient Latin at WWU Münster (1979-1985) Josef Wiemeyer received his Ph.D. degree in Sport medicine – Dr. rerum medicinalium at WWU Münster (1985-1989).

Following his habilitation in Sport Science at the Dept. of Sport Science at WWU Münster (1990-1996) he was appointed as professor for Sport Science at the Institute of Sport Science Darmstadt (since April 1996).

His research interests are Biomechanics, Motor learning, Movement perception and representation, Strectching and human performance, Central-nervous activation (cna) and Computer science in sport.

Prof. Dr. André Seyfarth

Curriculum Vitae

Andre Seyfarth has studied physics at Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena, Germany, and at the Free University Berlin.

He received his Ph.D. degree in 2000 in the Biomechanics Group in Jena. After his postdoctoral studies in Boston (2001–2002) and Zurich (2002–2003), he founded the Lauflabor Locomotion Laboratory in Jena in 2003.

Since 2011 he is professor for Sports Biomechanics at the Technische Universität Darmstadt. His research interests comprise dynamics of locomotion on conceptual, simulation, experimental, and robotics level.