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Dual-mode microwave applicator for diagnosis and thermal ablation treatment of organic tissue

Prof. Thomas Vogl uses the applicator to remove a metastasis in the liver of a patient.
Prof. Thomas Vogl uses the applicator to remove a metastasis in the liver of a patient.

In this project we investigate and develop a microwave applicator, which combines diagnosis and therapy of tumor diseases. In detection mode, it localises tissue anomalies by dielectric analysis. In therapy mode, it uses microwaves for thermal ablation. This precise and minimally invasive system is MRI-compatible and optimizes control and duration of the therapy.

Project Head:
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Rolf Jakoby, TU Darmstadt, Institute for Microwaves and Photonics
Prof. Dr. Thomas J. Vogl, University Hospital Frankfurt, Institute for Diagnostic and Interventional Radiology

Research Team:
Dr. phil. nat. Babak Bazrafshan,
Dr. rer. med. Frank Hübner,
M.Sc. Carolin Reimann,
Dr.-Ing. Martin Schüßler

DFG-project website


