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Ultra-broadband dielectric spectroscopy of biomolecules

Phase 1

Measurement setup for the dielectric characterization of biochemical samples.
Measurement setup for the dielectric characterization of biochemical samples.

The radio-frequency properties of biomolecules like proteins and DNA are investigated up to the upper GHz range. The results will be exploited for the development of novel sensors for medicine and environmental monitoring. Above that, they give insight into structure and function of biomolecules and help understanding the influence of electromagnetic radiation on living systems.

Participating Institutions:
Fraunhofer-Institut IZI-BB, Abt. Biosystemintegration und Automatisierung, AG Biomolekulare Nanostrukturen und Messtechnik, Am Mühlenberg 13, 14476 Potsdam-Golm

Research Team:
PD Dr. Ralph Hölzel
Dr. rer. nat. Eva-Maria Laux
Dr. rer. nat. Elena Ermilova
M.Sc. Sandra Stanke
M.Sc. Jessica Gibbons
B.Sc. Daniel Pannwitz

DFG-project website


