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Lab-in-a-tube: non-linear dielectric spectroscopy for multiparametric bioanalysis

Phase 2

In this project we focus on the development of a sensor in a tube based on impedance spectroscopy, for the high-throughput analysis of immunological cells and their expressed proteins when experiencing activation due to the presence of a stimuli or foreign material. Dielectric spectroscopy from linear to non-linear range, in the high frequency range, is employed for the multiparametric analysis of such complex biological samples avoiding the use of surface functionalization and labeling steps.

Beteiligte Institutionen und Institute:
Prof. Dr. Oliver G. Schmidt, Institute for Integrative Nanosciences, Leibniz IFW Dresden
Dr. Daniil Karnaushenko, Institute for Integrative Nanosciences, Leibniz IFW Dresden
Dr. Mariana Medina Sánchez, Institute for Integrative Nanosciences, Leibniz IFW Dresden

Dr. Aleksandr Egunov,
Dr. Dmitriy D. Karnaushenko
Dr. Katja Akgün
Nicole Kretschmann
Franziska Hebenstreit
Zehua Dou



