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NearSense – A silicon-based terahertz near-field imaging array for ex-vivo life-science applications

Phase 1 and 2

The NearSense project has the challenging objective to propose a fully integrated all-electronic silicon based sensor for medical and biological applications, which is low-cost, handheld, small, and additionally able to work at room-temperature. NearSense requires major innovations in an inter-disciplinary research field and is therefore conducted by an interdisciplinary team who will jointly identify the relevant bio imaging parameters for marker-free intraoperative tumor margin identification in tissue sample tests and blind tests.

Participating Institutes and Institutions:
Universität Wuppertal, Institute for High-Frequency and Communication Technology (IHCT)
Universität Bordeaux
Institut Bergonié – Centre régional de lutte contre le cancer

Research Team:
Prof. Dr. Ullrich Pfeiffer, head of IHCT at BUW,
Prof. Dr. Thomas Zimmer, head of Nanoelectronics research group at UB,
Dr. Gaetan Macgrogan, Bio-Pathology Department Coordinator at IB,
Dr. Laven Mavarani, post-doc at IHCT,
Dr. Janusz Grzyb, microwave engineer, group leader at IHCT
Dr. Patrick Mounaix, researcher in the THz field,
Dr. Jean-Paul Guillet, associate professor,
Dr. Christine Tunon de Lara Christine; surgeon
M. Sc. Philip Hillger, PhD student at IHCT
M. Sc. Amel Al-Ibadi, PhD student at UB
M. Sc. Hugo Balacey, PhD student at UB

DFG-project website


