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About ISIMM forum

Welcome to the ISIMM forum

ISIMM was founded in 1977 to foster the interaction between mathematics and mechanics. Strengthening of this interaction is today as crucial as it was then, and the importance of the goals of ISIMM has not changed. What has changed are the means to communicate over the internet. The ISIMM internet-forum builds on these possibilities in an attempt to expand the activities of ISIMM. This attempt can become a success only if the members of the society contribute to the forum and participte in its creation. We invite all members to actively cooperate in this process.

Provisional Forum Policy

The ISIMM internet-forum will host scientific contributions of the members of ISIMM and of invited authors, and also various scientific announcements.

Our provisional intention is to publish on-line contributions of members and invited nonmembers, that may intend e.g.

to survey an issue of interest

to report of a recent research

to announce an open problem (illustrating the related literature)

to review a piece of literature

to illustrate their (recent) PhD thesis

to illustrate their (present) post-doc research

to debate a scientific issue,

to announce a scientific initiative (a workshop, a school, and so on), and so on.

Contributions are offered to the attention of the readers under the responsibility of the authors, without a real referee procedure. On the other hand, the readers are allowed to submit comments aimed to improve the published contributions. These comments will be supervised by the responsible of the forum. Any comment on previous contribution will be processed with the collaboration of the author of the commented contribution. Any unfriendly writing will be rejected.

ISIMM members are invited to provide contributions, as well as suggestions as for the scientific format of this forum.

The forum is managed jointly by the president of ISIMM, the secretary and the forum editor.

Augusto Visintin (President)
Ulisse Stefanelli (Secretary-treasurer)
Hans-Dieter Alber (Forum editor)